Call for Workshops Closed

We are excited to invite new workshop proposals for the 15th Student Conference on Conservation Science- Bengaluru (SCCS-Bng) in 2024.

As you are aware, the SCCS-Bng strives to provide participants with a diverse range of research, conservation-oriented and capacity-building workshops throughout the conference (October 21-24, 2024). The workshops aim to introduce students to new ideas, critical concepts, and techniques in conservation science and practice and will be led by experienced scientists and practitioners. Short workshops typically last up to two hours, while long workshops can last up to six hours.

Every year, we offer up to 40 workshops for all the conference participants! This is possible due to a fantastic group of resource persons who have returned year after year to share their expertise, and also thanks to a growing community of practitioners who propose newer topics and workshops every year. In this way, SCCS-Bng has been able to grow with the changing needs of the conservation space, and offer topics of importance each year.

If you'd like to be one of our resource persons this year and propose a new workshop for all our participants, we kindly request that you complete the form below with all the necessary details about your workshop.

Deadline for proposal submissions: 15th June 2024

Please feel free to be creative in your applications - from the overall topic and theme of your workshop, to each activity within it. We urge you to design interactive and experiential workshops so that the participants gain the most out of them.

This year, we are hoping to receive proposals for (but not limited to) the following themes:
  1. Freshwater and marine ecology and conservation
  2. Understanding social aspects of conservation, example: the importance of documenting folklore
  3. Cutting-edge computational/AI tools and their importance for conservation

Your responses in the application will be used verbatim to display your workshop's description to participants on the SCCS website. Please take care to fill in the form accurately and completely.